Thursday, March 26, 2009

Beauty VS Brains

Its been a long debated issue:Beauty or Brains. Beauty, bestowed or added artificially, is always the first trait a human being notices. "First impression counts", we've been told since young. However does beauty lasts??? Perhaps due to its short shelf life, peeps try to commerate the "freshest" moment by holding beauty pageants which emphasizes more on bods than intellect.*Sigh* How pathetic can our society get??? Yup, it sure can. In a recent survey, MALES actually prefer an airhead BIMBO to a brainy gal. WTH!!! What a disgrace to Homosapiens!

Well for me its definitely the latter. How each individual mind comtemplate beauty is diffrent and to add on, IT FADES, HA! But one's intelligence will always stay till the soul expires. Moreover, intelligence is a gift that other animals lack thus the more we should treasure it right? Also, beauty in this age can be MADE through plastic surgery.

Back to the survey results, apalling but understandable. It is natural for humans to value beauty first since its the first sight that we take in. Due to the "shallowness" od men, our world has a wide yet distinct spectrum of definitions of beauty. Men who marry beautiful women tend to have beautiful offsprings. In this case, we have men(and women) to thank for contribution of eye candies throughout the history of mankind.

It there is a third choice, I bet many would die for a combination:beauty+brains=best of both worlds. Ironically, when everyone ages, the beauty will go with it, and we will all be back to the Finishing Line(so is our boobs):D


Saturday, March 07, 2009

Light of the Future

I gained alot today-both educational and entertainment. I was slightly late for the "American Education" talk at the Carlton Hotel however I managed to catch the part on the Campus Life, the education in the US Colleges and the Visa application. It seems that many poly students go US rather than JC students. Well that is expected since poly offers more opportunities for hands-on work which requires application and crticial thinking skills which ALL the US colleges prefer. Next stop was the Career and Education Opportunies Fair at Suntec Convention Hall. After that I ate Vietnamese food which was surprisingly delicious, especially the chilli which was totally lip-smacking! Also, I finally got a SHORT-SLEEVED HOODED SHIRT(2 diff pcs)!!! WOOHOOO THANS MUM!!!

All in all, I don't know what will happen in the future and whether I will be able to go overseas , but I certainly will put in my utmost effort to create the best of the best for myself. Ganbarimassu

Monday, March 02, 2009


Belt It OUT!

"Zen me Ban" was officially my first song sung at a Karaoke! Surprisingly, quite a number turned up, including Jason. Val, M, and Seow joined the class for dinner while mua and Xinxin went home for a hearty meal. Party World gave me the impression of being kinda sleazy with the dark room, disco lights and mini dance floor in the VIP room. By the way The basic price $9.80 is NOT THE FINAL PRICE PEARL TAN! The +++ rates were steep, so everyone ended up paying $17.80, which makes Kbox dirt cheap. Also, the volume of songs were sooo loud and I was still suffering from the of "temporary partial deafness" the next morning. Since Partyworld's boss is rich, maybe he could afford two new eardrums? In Edison(oops, must be the fan's craziness that got me),I mean addition, the room is too wide, there is harldy a chance for those seating at the opposite sides to communicate which seriously defeats the purpose of CLASS GATHERING. Therefore, Partyworld is rated ---(triple negative FYI)in Mua's Own Michelin. Sayonara.