Monday, February 16, 2009

Dinner At Mariott

Had special treat by a veryyyy special person at Mariott!Woohoo!

A Promise is a Promise

Veryyy Random haha!

ok! Here is the photo I promised!CNY!


Friday, February 13, 2009

Val's(big) Day

From the title, everyone should already knew what is going om. We should all congratualate my dear Valerie for this upcoming celebration which she has been waiting for. Yuppppsss, its Valentine's Day! Wheee!!! The "special" day heralded by couples and cursed by singles.

As a single, I had definitely envy those lovebirds under the soft warm yellow light of restaurants. However, I think I think I will be giving BGR a miss. School's GPA is more important to me than these relations.

At the meantime, I would seriously like to tip off some guys out there: Before you give your beloveds gifts, do FIND OUT WHAT THEY LIKE. Our Earth's population consists of BILLIONS of FEMALES, not 1 GIRL so PLEASEEE!!! Gd luck yeahh???

Oh Yeah, Happy Valentine's Day! :D May ALL find your love and be HAPPY.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

More Red Packets

Yup! Since CNY is not offically over(according to the calender)so we went to visit my dad's relatives. As usual: red packets and new year goodies from Ipoh with high fat content(thanks!). Well, the conversations were boring(since I can't communicate in Hainanese). I think this time is the 10001th time that I stated my status as a "graduate who is waiting to enter poly", "I do not resemble my mom nor dad","Yes, I play the piano" and "I do not have a boyfriend". However, after some thought, I don't mind answering these questions for a zillion times if I'm gonna get "paid" for it, hahaha :D Though it was just another visiting session, I discoverd something AMAZING: my relative who walks with a good posture and talks in a loud chirpy voice is 98 YEARS OLD!!! OH MY GOSH, seriously, he is almost a Centurian, how cool is that?

Other than my relatives and all, I'm blogging out of BOREDOM. Almost all of my classmates are having fun at orientation at their IDEAL SCHOOL(or maybe not), here I am, all alone in the moonlight...WITH MY JAPANESE DRAMAS wheee!!! It seems like yesterday when I complained about our howling teachers, boringggg lessons and idiotic Os, now here I am, wanting to study and return to school REALLYYYYY BADLYYYY.
Well, in a nutshell, may all those in "J(ail)C(ell)s" have a rocking good time:D

Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Tag-ged 'Quiz'

Directions : Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with fifteen random things, habits or goals about you. You can't tag the person who tagged you.

1. I have been thinking about life alot.
2. So I decided to suck my toes
3. They tastes great, wanna try?
4. It takes 42 muscles to frown when you're angry, but it takes 4 muscles to slap that bastard/bitch:D
5. I am thinking alot about death
6. I am optimistic
7. *Grunts*
8. I want to earn lots and lots of money and travel around the world!
9. I want to follow my heart
10.I am finally at point number 10.
11.I am still not sleeping now.
12.Playing the piano is a joy:D
14.I love intelligence and creativity
15.FINALLY...Show's over people, now SHOO!

Tagging anyone who is willing(as if) to be tagged. Spread the bad karma, let the world be a happier place:D other people's bad karma=my happiness muahahaha!