Tuesday, February 03, 2009

Tag-ged 'Quiz'

Directions : Once you've been tagged, you have to write a post with fifteen random things, habits or goals about you. You can't tag the person who tagged you.

1. I have been thinking about life alot.
2. So I decided to suck my toes
3. They tastes great, wanna try?
4. It takes 42 muscles to frown when you're angry, but it takes 4 muscles to slap that bastard/bitch:D
5. I am thinking alot about death
6. I am optimistic
7. *Grunts*
8. I want to earn lots and lots of money and travel around the world!
9. I want to follow my heart
10.I am finally at point number 10.
11.I am still not sleeping now.
12.Playing the piano is a joy:D
14.I love intelligence and creativity
15.FINALLY...Show's over people, now SHOO!

Tagging anyone who is willing(as if) to be tagged. Spread the bad karma, let the world be a happier place:D other people's bad karma=my happiness muahahaha!


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