Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Still A Little Girl At Heart

Read some books last night. Found out something on sciences, quite cool actually. Today I served the net and my what aroused my interest again was Disney as our CME project require us to look up on bears. We even included Winnie The Pooh! Since young, I love Disney. They are just so fantastic and magical. I loveee all cartoon characters thay Walt Disney created. He such a genius! I made a picture. But not really made, more of "edited". I love it. Its here look!

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"All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them." ~ Walt
Disney ยท

Tuesday, August 30, 2005

What did you just say?

Ha. My friend my HCI(Hwa Chong) taught me a vocab word which is no longer in use already. Since I am such a generous person I shall thereby teach you this word. It is...Xanthippe. Haha stumped? I am not telling you the meaning! You gotta search it YOURSELF. I doubt the teachers know this "ancient" word. Anyway, just came back from school(both pri. and sec.). Pri. school teacher couldn't be found so I went home. I am gettin' reallyyyyyy bored. No one on MSN. *Sigh*. Just ate my medicine. My flu and cough are gettin' better! 3 cheers! Gotta go off early to do my own stuff. I haven't done my favourite activities for a long time. This time I am not gonna sign off anymore like I used to cause I am goin' for an au neutral. I prefer it that way. Gotta go now bye guys!

"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel." -Carl W. Buechner

Oh Dear! What Can The Matter Be?

Oh Dear,my my! My grades have been slippin' lately. Ya know why? 'Cause I don't revise my work!!! That is my greatest regrets. I chatted with one of my male friends on MSN previously. I told most of the contents to another girlfriend. Recently, she chatted with him and told me how she could relate to this guy. Suddenly, I have this notion that she could have develpoed a crush on him and jealous or does the problem lies in me being overly sensitive? I guess so. Anyway I don't really bother. I can't believe I am makin' a mountain out of a molehill! I am really afraid I will fail this time's geography test. But nevermind, if I really do, I will work harder and PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS! I couldn't help but wonder at times whether I am simply dumb or is it because of my poor concentration. I am hoping its neither...praying fervently...

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Mirror Mirror On The Wall, Who is The Prettiest of Them All?

I have been really beauty conscious lately.There is this metaphor,"As honest as mirrors". I stared a the mirror and reflected back was a girl with short dark brown and black hair, small almond eyes, a long nose and a pair of small pinkish lips and I compared myself with a pretty friend of mine who has nice falling hair, big brown hazel eyes, a small stub nose and a slim lips which parts to reveal her pearl-whities. This stupid comparison and contrast caused a little dent to my self-esteem and my confidence which I used to exude no matter what. I began to wonder the importance of beauty and its role it plays in my high school which may in fact yearn one more popularity,friends,cute guys and a string of praises of those beauty one blessed with.

But later did I realise beauty wasn't at all crucial, character is what matters. That beauty queen wasn't at all THAT popular though she is infamous for her prettiness and people who praises her like a devoted monk to his chants are mainly people out there who LACKS confidence and an EXTREMELY LOW self-esteem and these people not only FLATTERS but they also on the other hand tries to IMITATE them and in turn DESPISES themselves. Then, I reminisense of the old days in elementary school when I fell for an average Joe who to me was the most Charming Prince. See? "BEAUTY COMES FROM THE EYES OF THE BEHOLDER". This saying is not used to comfort anyone but it is a F-A-C-T. Girls out there don't bother whether that cute guy likes you cause most of them turns out to be jerks(you will discover this truth sooner or later). Normally what you perceives will be relfected in your actions and behaviour. This will eventually leads to people thinking that you ARE REALLY UGLY. So, your mentality also matters. I recommend you to listen to Hilary Duff's"I am", her advisory lyrics: I am special, I ma beautiful, I am powerful, wonderful..."

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005


Your Summer Ride is a Mustang Convertible

You're out to experience the very best of summer.
From the best beaches to the best tan, you want it all!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005


Your Ideal Relationship is Polyamory

You want to have your cake... and everyone else's.
Which isn't a bad thing, if everyone else gets to eat too!
You're too much of a free spirit to be tied down by a traditional relationship.
You think relationships should be open and free, with few restrictions.


Your Hidden Talent
You're super sensitive and easily able to understand situations.
You tend to solve complex problems in a flash, without needing a lot of facts.
Decision making is easy for you. You have killer intuition.
The right path is always clear, and you're a bit of a visionary.

Tadaaaa... :D

You are pure, moral, and adaptable.
You tend to blend into your surroundings.
Shy on the outside, you're outspoken to your friends.

You believe that you live a virtuous life...
And you tend to judge others with a harsh eye.
As a result, people tend to crave your approval.

This is Hui Ling!

The True You

You want your girlfriend or boyfriend to be together with you always, no matter when or where.
With respect to money, you spend as little as possible.
You think good luck might come your way, but if it does you'll be so surprised you'll burst out laughing.
The hidden side of your personality tends to be satisfied to care for things with a minimal amount of effort.
You have a tendency to overdo things, but basically you value your friendships highly.
When it comes to finding a romantic partner, you make opportunities to interact with many people through club activities or a hobby, then select someone you like.