Tuesday, August 30, 2005

What did you just say?

Ha. My friend my HCI(Hwa Chong) taught me a vocab word which is no longer in use already. Since I am such a generous person I shall thereby teach you this word. It is...Xanthippe. Haha stumped? I am not telling you the meaning! You gotta search it YOURSELF. I doubt the teachers know this "ancient" word. Anyway, just came back from school(both pri. and sec.). Pri. school teacher couldn't be found so I went home. I am gettin' reallyyyyyy bored. No one on MSN. *Sigh*. Just ate my medicine. My flu and cough are gettin' better! 3 cheers! Gotta go off early to do my own stuff. I haven't done my favourite activities for a long time. This time I am not gonna sign off anymore like I used to cause I am goin' for an au neutral. I prefer it that way. Gotta go now bye guys!

"They may forget what you said, but they will never forget how you made them feel." -Carl W. Buechner


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