Monday, December 12, 2005


Went to Giant with my square Joyce together with others to purchase some stuff for choir camp this thurs. Now chewing on red bean prridge wich taste quite nice. So bored nothin' to do.

Anyway goin' for dental appointment tomorrow. Not scared this time. Just know that I'm gonna take x-ray and so on so forth. Hope my actions don't contradict my words now haha. My throat is much better now. Learnt a new word which uncannily I can remember its "tiffer": hat. Its sooo KAWAII! Okay okay I know I sounds kooky!!! Kinda lookin' forward to the choir camp for I'm one of the leaders, is this a good or a bad thing? Haha. My WHOLE TEAM ARE SENOIRSSSS! Oh my gosh! I don't know how to survive this ordeal! Yikesss!

Remedy it, or welcome it: a wise man's only two choices. ~Terri Guillemets(


Went to Giant with my square Joyce together with others to purchase some stuff for choir camp this thurs. Now chewing on red bean prridge wich taste quite nice. So bored nothin' to do.

Anyway goin' for dental appointment tomorrow. Not scared this time. Just know that I'm gonna take x-ray and so on so forth. Hope my actions don't contradict my words now haha. My throat is much better now. Learnt a new word which uncannily I can remember its "tiffer": hat. Its sooo KAWAII! Okay okay I know I sounds kooky!!! Kinda lookin' forward to the choir camp for I'm one of the leaders, is this a good or a bad thing? Haha. My WHOLE TEAM ARE SENOIRSSSS! Oh my gosh! I don't know how to survive this ordeal! Yikesss!

Remedy it, or welcome it: a wise man's only two choices. ~Terri Guillemets(

Friday, December 09, 2005

PM Lee forgots to bow to the German flag!

Instead of bowing in front of the German flag according to the international protocol Singapore's Prime Minister kept on walking and left Chancellor Merkel behind!

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I got it from I agree with Anonymous Coward that
this is some news that we do not get to see in the local papers!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

I'm Through

Well finally broke off from those really crappy things I wrote and show-offs I tried to do plus the ultimate thing I cannot shake off previously: infatuation with *him and *them (whistle)...but now I'm through with these nonsense and rubbish. Focusing more on sports and studies. Badminton was sooo sweaty fun. Now I'm starting to love it & I hope this love won't wear off. Saw a young chap who seems like 15 coaching younger kids on badminton in the stadium. I couldn't believe he was willing to give up his time! Anyway did a triple backhand when dad hit the shuttlecork to me thrice(DUH). I hope that I do not get badminton mixed up with tennis or else my wrist will be prone to gettin' injured. Unfortunately my wrist is a little wear out after yesterday's play. Mom wasn't approving of me playin' badminton in the midst of my tennis learning journey. (*Sigh*) By the way I loveeeee my blog 'cause it rocks though not alot of readers. Wanna post more on politics the next few rounds, can't comment on the Singapore government as mom warned me that the Sinagpore government is very sensitive or else I might be in hot soup.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Went all wrong arrgghhh!!!

Yesterday at court I couldn't hit all 4 tennis balls!!! STUPID! I DIDN'T LOOK AT THE BALLS COMING ARRGGHH!!! Before it I played table tennis with the P6 boy from China. I wasn't playin' very well and 'cause of that I made him run ALOT nad I mean ALOT! HAHAHHA IT WAS SO FUN but I feel guilty at the same time blame me for being porrper thn he is at tt. Today's choir practice was like...undescribable! Everyone was like sooo shy about the choreography part I mean what's wrong if you are giggling now what about the actual day c'mon! Be a little thick-skinned. The actions are very simple and LITTLE! OH MAN I WANNA FAINT RIGHT ON THE SPOT. THIS CAN'T GO ON MAN! I wanna quit my job...Anyway I am hoping and praying not to be picked as Chairperson its terrible actually in fact it is supposedly not but too bad but I have uncooperative people with me! Next year I plan to submit some names for e committee & not let the teacher OR students choose for I think its gonna be sabotaging and biasedness.