Sunday, May 29, 2005

Me Element

Image hosted by" border="0" alt="Ice element">
Your element is Ice. This element may seem a little
odd, but this is a side-effect from when the
element of Water gets to hurt. Once you were a
content soul, and happy with life. But then
something happened. Not necessarily on one day,
it probably happened gradually over time. You
lost your will to care and became even more
reserved from the world. People had hurt you in
ways you do not want to remember and now you
isolate yourself from them. You have turned
into an outsider and probably dress more in
black than you used to. Your depression is
eating you up and tearing you apart and the
worst part is that no one is willing to help,
or so it seems. In school you are often by
yourself or one single friend and you rarely
seem to be truly happy anymore. Your sad,
distant eyes and constant frown seems glued to
your face and you need a saviour from this
world. You may turn to music for understanding
and sing/scream along in the lyrics to get rid
of some pain. You are not very open about your
problems to your family/friends, and wish that
they would just notice it and make it go away.
Rate and message!

What is your element? [with pics + 7 outcomes + detailed answeres!]
brought to you by Quizilla

What Kind Of Affection

cuddle and a kiss
cuddle and a kiss on the forehead - you like to be
close to your special someone and feel warm,
comfortable, and needed

What Sign of Affection Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Me Girl

Saturday, May 28, 2005

Which STARWARS Character

Friday, May 27, 2005

What Kind Of Girl I am

You are the warrior anime girl.You are the type
that can start a fight and win.You are very
strong and can beat anyone up (but just don't
^_~) and some people can be afraid of you but
alot of people admire your strength and want to
be just like you well the people that want to
fight.You can defend yourself very easily and
can probably handle some kind of weapon.You
have a short temper(like me)and get angry
easily but you can be really nice at times
^_^and once a fighter always a fighter.

If You Were An Anime Character What Would You Look Like?(Girls Only)
brought to you by Quizilla

Which Girl Am I

You're like me! The intelligent loner. You're shy
at times but friendly, and you are never weak
and always independent. You are incredibly
intelligent (wise beyond your years) and have a
talent for many things (sports, music, art).
You have a kind and warm personality and enjoy
the simple things. Like hanging out with
friends and watching movies at home. But you're
sometimes quiet nature makes you a bit of an
outcast and a mystery to people. No matter how
pretty you are or smart or athletic, you just
can't seem to break into the crowd and be
noticed. Don't worry, try to be more outgoing
and speak out when you have more to say. Don't
hide behind your books and sports and computer,
get out there and get noticed. You also have
deep desires in life and feel vunerable and
alone at times. Don't feel sad either, What
helps me to express feelings and dreams that I
can't say to people, is through my writting.
Maybe you should try.

What kind of girl are you? (with pix!)
brought to you by Quizilla

Thursday, May 26, 2005

Damn Luck!

Damn Luck!

I got into the 2nd audition. Planned to go ice-skating with friends and am praying fervently that that day would turn out well. Kinda bad luck these few days! Shoot!Crap! Our new English AND Lit. teacher is Mr Ong. Mr Lai is coming back to teach us but I kinda prefer Mr Von Tan as he taught us some really interesting vocal warm ups one of which is "Mama Made Me Mash My M&MS" its really good and effective. But nvm Mr Lai is not bad. One of the choir instructors said there is a Gold choir lurking in us somewhere and that we have potential yeah this was a very tempting encouragement to achieve a Gold in two years' time.
Got quite a number of things to say but just don't wanna.

Hui Ling

26th May 05

~*May Wishes And Dreams Come True*~

Monday, May 23, 2005

Just Me

Just Me

Nothin' much lately. Did loads of peronality quizes and almost 80% is accurate.Not many people online today (*sigh*) no wonder I'm feelin' a little lonely. Mom just came back from China 2 days ago and announce that she is leaving for that place again 1 week later cause she has to handle the new girl that just joined the company. Got nagged again for playing computer. Know that its harmful but I really has nothin' much to do, just waintin' patiently for the hols to come. Plan to go to the movies with close friends and ice-skating which I've never tried before. Gotta ta stop here for today byeeeeeeeee!

Hui Ling

23rd May 05

~*May Wishes And Dreams Come True*~

Sunday, May 22, 2005


Your #1 Match: ESFJ

The Caregiver
You are sympathetic and caring, putting friends and family first.A creature of habit, you prefer routines and have trouble with change.You love being in groups - whether you're helping people or working on a project.You are good at listening, laughing, and bringing out the best in people.
You would make a great nurse, social worker, or teacher.

The Road To Take

The Beaten Path

You take the Beaten
Afterall, that's what it's there for right? You are
content with the options alreadylaid out for you definitely of the "If it
ain't broke, don't fix it." frame ofmind. You tend to be a follower rather than a
leader, but that's fine becauseall good leaders must first be good followers. You
tend to follow the crowdsliving life the tried and true way, often letting
others make the decisions.Just don't forget you have a mind too. Never be
afraid to voice your ideas oropinions, no matter how ridiculous others may think
they are. This beaten pathis your comfort zone, you want and deserve company
on your travels trough lifeas you are probably a very friendly and kind
individual, always putting theneeds of others before your own. That's an
excellent and all too rare quality.Never lose it. But being surrounded isn't always
the best. People tend to tryand take charge and advantage of the fact and if
you aren't careful, it'llbe your life that's been taken over. Venture away
from your well-traveled roadand find your own away. Head down that road
less-traveled and see what's therebecause though the path you're on may have been
done before, that doesn'tnecessarily make it the right one for you. Step out
of your comfort zone andtake some risks you wouldn't normally take, make
mistakes, and make some timefor just you. Indulge and be a little selfish.
You'll come out all the betterfor it.

What Path Do You Take In Life? [X]For Guys and Gals! Pics and Lengthy Results.[X]
brought to you by

What Am I Guided By Quiz

You are guided by water. You are generally calm and
peaceful, but you can be very destructive
without even realizing it.(Rate my test)

What force is your soul?
brought to you by

Where My Beauty Lies In Quiz

Plain Sight

Your Beauty liesin Plain Sight. Plain, simple and the girl nextdoor. People tend overlook you as you are the
"normal girl", but you're actuallyvery beautiful. And you have plenty about you to
set you apart, but more thatlets you blend. People love the stability you have
because as others may comeand go, you will always be there and you may always
be the same. You like simplethings and that's what people like about you. You
most likely enjoy things mostconsider normal, like movies, shopping, that sort
of thing and are very friendlyand probably have many friends. You are sweet and
kind and that shows on you,but you're also strong and not very naive. You're a
rather well-roundedindividual. Even though some people pass you off as
just another girl, shrug itoff because they don't know what they're

Some ThingsThat Represent You:

Element:Earth, Light Animal: Cat Color:
Pinks, Blues, Browns Song:Girl Next Door by Pilot Expression: Simple

Gemstone:Alexandrite Mythological Creature: Fox
Demon, Hobbit Planet: Jupiter Hair
Light Brown Eye Color:Brown

Quote:"To the world you may be one person, but to
one person you may be the world."

Where Does Your Beauty Lie? ..::Original Pictures Are Back! Detailed Results::..
brought to you by

Saturday, May 21, 2005



Got chided by Grandma yesterday for playing the computer for too long! I have no chice but to go back to my Buffy book and I managed to finish reading it. It was so sad. The apocalpse is starting and its gonna be the end of the WORLD! Everyone learn to treasure those around them. I reallyyyy can't help pitying Anya for Xander left her at the altar and left her AGAIN at the MagicBox while she hunt for the hog turds(or pig poop). Meanwhile Buffy tried to stop the Angel from breaking the bowls and that Angel refused and yadayada...the story moved me to tears. Fantastic fiction. Really CRAVED to watch this particular episode on TV Buffy The Vampire Slayer still showing???hmmm...The holidays are approaching,I made my plans but all I need is a nod of approval follow by some personal space to complete my holiday fantasy!

Hui Ling

22nd May

~*May Wishes And Dreams Come True*~

Friday, May 20, 2005



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Had a dance workshop which some intructors taught us some dance moves. During choir today, we had to choose one instructor out of four but unfortunately one of them was not able to make it so we will make up our minds after we met that instructor next thursday. The YouthClubHouse is holding this event called Odessey which is similar to Amazing Race and Survival and it also includes Fear Factor dosen't it sound fun? Deciding to join but I must see whether my schedule is busy(*sigh*). Decided to sing Skater Boy for the CTSS Idol heard that quite a number of people are participating oh my gosh esp. when my senoirs from the choir are joining the fun too... Miss Tan is leaving today how sad! Bye Miss Tan, we will miss you! Thanks for the personal card!

Hui Ling

20th May 05

~*May Wishes And Dreams Come True*~

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

The Mist

The Mist

Got back my papers today except science which I am really scared of receiving back...Achieved a distinction for my History and Maths yeaaaa! English...(*sigh*)dropped from A1 to a B3 my gosh its like TERRIBLE I AM GONNA FAINT FELT LIKE KILLING MYSELF!!! On the way back from MOELC me and my friends met that *guy again,the guys were so afraid don't even have the guts to look at him haha it was so hilarious! The "ladies"(the guys)made Kelly cried cause they went overboard in teasing her, they are so evil and wicked can't believe I had such ex-school mates. I am starting to feel the pressure Mdm Luan is giving me cause she asked me how well I did for the papers. Maybe thats the job of a chairperson when everyone looks up to you and expect you to do well feeling reallyyy pressurerizedddd the expectation is so high what can I do? Just have to pull up my socks and put my shoulder on the wheel :)

Hui Ling

18th May 05

~*May Wishes And Dreams Come True*~

Tuesday, May 17, 2005

An Ode To Miss Seah and Miss Tan

An Ode To Miss Seah and Miss Tan

You are leaving,
We are crying,
One word of goodbye
We can't help but sigh

These six months,
You taught us lots
You pardoned our flaws
You lauded our wits as sharp as claws
You are our teacher you ROCKS!

Thank you everything
Thank you for the memories that we will always sing
This is for ya
This ode
Don't worry your existence in us won't turn mouldy!

By ME!

Hui Ling

17th May 05

~*May Wishes And Dreams Come True*~

Monday, May 16, 2005

Goodbye Farewell

Goodbye Farewell

Miss Seah our lit. teacher and Miss Tan our Eng. teacher are leaving to further pursue their studies. 1C1 lost 2 good teachers in a role...(*sigh*) :( I decided to make Miss Seah and Miss Tan a card together with JE. Miss Tan likes pink(thanks for the hint Miss Seah!), so maybe the class will get something pinkish for Miss Tan! There is this CTSS Idol thing and I agreed to join haha along with my sista GuoWei and friends Annabella and Si Pei yeahhh!!! Just hope I can find a suitable and meolodious pop song to fit my limited vocals arrggg!

Hui Ling

17th May 05

~*May Wishes And Dreams Come True*~

Sunday, May 15, 2005



Went to school, for CM Lessons its was quite fun. We learnt Micromedia Fireworks and I hyperlinked te pic to my bloggy!!! And that Guo Wei refused to visit my bloggy cause he siad its boring to read a ll these online journal entries I felt like wringling his neck at that moment or maybe even murder him!!! My goodness he's my sista he don't even want to visit my blog but later agreed cause I told him it plays Hilary's Come Clean arrggg he came on a condition because of the music not what I displayed. Well bought a can of Pringles and shared it with my grandma. Not many people are online now cause that clique of girls and some other girls went on a shopping or window shopping spree...Was talking to Mr Lim and Miss Seah but Miss sEAH DIDN'T REPLY maybe that was Miss Tan...don't know who is it behind that screen name cause i was trying ta match make Mr Lim and Miss Seah too bad our dear Miss Seah ignored the miserable conversation I was having with Mr Lim :D Anway Harry Potter's Goblet Of Fire is going to be out soon ya! Image hosted by Later...just came back from MOELC. Missed 2 trains because we had to wait for Kelly as she was buying her cheese burger,poor girl must be very hungry! We talked about Mr Lim and how Nic bully Char. We were really very angry at Nic!

Hui Ling

16th May 05

~*May Wishes and dreams come true*~...


Well nothing much today...went to popular and bought a book " How To Win Friends & Influence People For Teenage Girls " well it could be a useful guide to me in the future cause the front page spells "For Wonderful Young Women Who Will Turn These Pages And Influence The Future" very inspirational right? Wow and maybe I might become a woman of substance haha!!! Later went to the library and borrowed a few books in which 1 is mine and 3 belongs to my mom...I picked BUFFY THE VAMPIRE SLAYER! Later bought 2 Chinese books which prices cost a bomb. Mom bargained with that seller from China wow I din't kow my mom is such a great bargainer. Anyway mom's going to China AGAIN tomorrow for a week and next week is Vesak Day and so I will not have Piano lesson AGAIN and Maths tuition, wow better find myself something to do or else its gonna be a bored day!!!

Hui Ling

15th May 05

~*May Wishes And Dreams Come True*~

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Hilary Duff

Well Hialry Duff has grown from girl to woman just wanna say:"Hilary,I will support ya forever!"

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And also,I wanna thank Sin Yee, Si Pei and Brandon Chan for surprising me with a cake for my b'dae you guys are the best! Thanks

Many Thanks...

Hey there posting 3(my register no. heeee!) times a role. Posting now cause just got my tag-board up and put in MUSIC:COME CLEAN BY HILARY DUFF!!! Isn't it nice???Well just wanna thank some people for encouraging me to do well in exams esp. Annabel, Edmond, Jiaen, Si Pei, Shi Ying and Yuen Yi( hey both of ya thanks for those encouraging words and helping me by giving practises before Chi Oral) who keeps on reassuring me everything will be fine really can't thank all of ya enough...just wanna say a miilion thanks profusely...thank you guys you all ROCK! Oh yeah to my God-Brother Brandon Chai: Happy Birthday! Jie will be always here to help ya don't take me for granted!

Hui Ling

14th May 05

~*May Wishes And Dreams Come True*~


Ha today my online diary is born its knid of cool huh?
And hopefully install some music in it. Many things happen in school yesterday. Had my very first Sec Chi Oral was kind of fun cause it is a totally new format different from Pr. sch's. Well there was a funny encounter which made me laugh real hard. The examiner asked me what approach should I use to advice my friend if she/he had mixed with bad company I replied that I would tell him/her DIRECTLY and she was like you mean being straightforward and scold him/her like that and I said yeah followed by:"Oh becuase I am a very direct person!" She was like OH I SEE YOU ARE A VERY DIRECT PERSON I SEE I SEE...haha

Hui ling

Friday, May 13, 2005


yo just a newbie