Thursday, October 20, 2005

Its Heartbreaking!

The sight of my grades are hideous! Esp. my forte... ENGLISH and shockingly I received a very bad grade marked right on my paper! I almost broke down. I was suffering from depression at that time and was unwilling to speak to anyone. Oh my gosh that is just so darn terrible. I HATE my marks. Throughout my whole education this are e worse marks I have ever scored in my ENTIRE LIFE!!! No offense but I TOTALLY DESPISED MY MARKS TO E CORE HATE IT I WANNA SCREAM ALL MY ANGER AND FRUSTRATIONS OUT. My friends were like, "Wow you've HIGH expectations!" and I went, "DUH!" . I can't believe I had such FREAKIN' MARKS FOR THOSE PAPERS. Tomorrow a bunch of us are leaving for NGHS for Sci. conference wow cool right? It may sound cool right now but surprises awaits us on e way. OOPSY Weiqi competition & e sci. conference clashes arrggghhh!!! My scheldule is sooo busy this holidays: Practice and rush through piano theory, choir exchange on e 11th Nov, drama practices for 4 days to prepare us to go for competition, tennis & golf lessons, sports training & perhaps my parents are thinkn' of bringing e whole family to Hong Kong but definitely NOT goin' Disnely Land 'cause mom said LA's DL is considered small, Hong Kong's DL do NOT EVEN HAVE ANY THRILLING rides...pathetic! Hope my "satisfactory" grades are enough to persuade my mom to bring us there. Although I LOVE TO TRAVEL but I just don't feel like goin' anywhere this year just wanna stay at home at do my own stuff!

"Look for e pros and cons"~ J.T


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