Friday, October 12, 2007

Pawns Of Ideologies

My deifinition:Beliving in other's beliefs due to credulity of a docile mind.These belifs are spread to increase quantity in a congreagation but not to increase quality of life.

I had ran into such people and I do have friends who are like that. In fact there are times when they are @ a losing end they aren't even aware of it.

Zealots, especially loves to target such people and I had ran into one in my early teenage phase. The Overly Enthusiasts was a man who forced me and my friends to pray and deemed my religion group as non-existent and even said that it was a creation due to the force of Evil.

In fact I was really furious by what he said even though I was not a religious person as he seems to be indirectly labelling me as a Child Of The Devil or the concoction of the wickedness in the Universe. I am not exaggerating here but just trying to express my disappointments to the failure of a mind of a Homosapien which is suppose to be made smarter and more intelligent than those of a lower cast. His way of spreading the belief was really very repungent. I would feel very shameful to be a Singaporean if he is one as Singapore preaches harmony across all races and creed.

These pawns are merely used so to portray that the belief is good due to huge numbers of avid followers. These pawns are divied into 2 categories. The first group is those who are influenced or "brainwashed" while the other is forced into it.

The first group normally had pyschological "jape" done on them. The zealots engulfed them with plethora of convincing beliefs. The target of zealots are normally pliant poeple. It is hard for me to expalain how these simple minds work as I am not able to explain in SIMPPLE TERMS.

The beings that unfortuiously landed in this category really do have my sympathy. Their pathetic plight dates back to their own history and their abuser's
pyschological sate and mantal sanity which varies according to circumstances whcich is ntot within my capability to elucidate the details as I am not a licensed expert, neither am I a researcher or a victim of a mind that went haywired.

In a nutshell, it is better to make full use of our brains to work things out instead of just using ears and eyes alone. We are blessed with intelligence, why not just utilise it to the fullest!
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Good Luck :D


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