Monday, October 31, 2005


Plan to make a DJG blogskin. One of my goals for this & next year. Currently I will most probably be on leave.

Dae Jung Guem

I'm now at the part where JG knew that Han Shang Gong is her mother's best friend. Its nice!!! Heard there is a "Yi Dao" after Dae Jung Guem. This Yi Dao is JG and Sir Min's son who became a very famous doctor(had his mom's genes). There is DJG anime show and comic oh my! I saw e comic at Popular yesterday. Heard from other DGJ fans that what Sir Min said to JG were very touching. He stood by her side(at e point when she was about to give up: losing her faith) and gave her e strength and support she needed. Oh my the cscriptwriter must have created and ideal man she wanted hahaha what a smartie yeah? Hope to get to e part where love blossomed between JG & Sir Min.

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Nice pics? Hahaha. I love those pictures but reported in e newspaper that DJG is a real life story narrated in e 21st century. Oh wow I really respect DJG man she rocks! Here are some romance between Sir Min & JG gotten from one of e members in e board. Thank You sooo much! Girls will definitely love this guy's character. Anyway Sir Min became most of his female fans their ideal partner. Where on Earth can you find such a guy nowadays *sigh* too bad no luck for e ladies in this era!

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Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Hahaha hello one and all! When I was in this school I felt totally lost like a lost girl without directions and hope to gain strength but later I realised sooo many things in life that made me grew up in an instance. I no longer crave for beauty, popularity and love or long to be loved by Mr Right I am a new soul whoohoo 3 cheers! I have set my goals straight and I don't really resort to "no P-A-I-N no gain" but more of "there is a will there is a way" & "determination is e key to success". I no longer wanna complain or whine too much 'cuase I finally cultivated more or less a little dose of empathy in me. I am finally taking critism as a self-improvement tool. Oh my thanks so much to Jewel In The Palace! But I am not sure whther it will help me any further in the later episodes. I am really lucky to have such a bunch of friends* in CTSS for cheering me up and being nice when I am down I don't know why I am saying this but I am really grateful to them really! THANKS!!!

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"Speak only when necessary."~ Joan Wilcorson

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Just watch Dae Jang Geum( Da Chang Jin ) which actually means in Korean: Jewel In The Palace. Lee Yong-ae have not yet appeared for I am still at e 2nd disk arrrggghhh! Oh my it was so disheartening to see Chang Jin's mother pass away. Chang Jin has to cope alone, poor little girl( yup it is Jo Jung Eun ).

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Bel like one of the Hong Kong boys we saw presenting at NYGHS. I thought the taller one was cuter though. Anyway it wasn't really that interesting until I made some discovery about the environment that SHOCKED me like the ozone layer which could actually be harmful! Oh my! There were students from Phillipines who are really enthusiastic and thirsting for knowledge and students from Hong Kong who presented to us their project on e air quality and pollution in their countrty plus the measures the government took to improve it. If I am not wrong I stumbled upon Katrina's blog( she is a Hong Konger ) when searching for Dae Jang Geum's pictures. WHat a small world and of course Joan's blog too which made me discovered that she is actually Zheng Ping's friend! What a small world yea? The cantonese song in K's blog was nice but Shi Shi has a nicer Canto pop song in her CD which I planned to borrow it from her hope that she is willing to lend me.

"A Smile makes a difference."~ Song "A Smile"

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Its Heartbreaking!

The sight of my grades are hideous! Esp. my forte... ENGLISH and shockingly I received a very bad grade marked right on my paper! I almost broke down. I was suffering from depression at that time and was unwilling to speak to anyone. Oh my gosh that is just so darn terrible. I HATE my marks. Throughout my whole education this are e worse marks I have ever scored in my ENTIRE LIFE!!! No offense but I TOTALLY DESPISED MY MARKS TO E CORE HATE IT I WANNA SCREAM ALL MY ANGER AND FRUSTRATIONS OUT. My friends were like, "Wow you've HIGH expectations!" and I went, "DUH!" . I can't believe I had such FREAKIN' MARKS FOR THOSE PAPERS. Tomorrow a bunch of us are leaving for NGHS for Sci. conference wow cool right? It may sound cool right now but surprises awaits us on e way. OOPSY Weiqi competition & e sci. conference clashes arrggghhh!!! My scheldule is sooo busy this holidays: Practice and rush through piano theory, choir exchange on e 11th Nov, drama practices for 4 days to prepare us to go for competition, tennis & golf lessons, sports training & perhaps my parents are thinkn' of bringing e whole family to Hong Kong but definitely NOT goin' Disnely Land 'cause mom said LA's DL is considered small, Hong Kong's DL do NOT EVEN HAVE ANY THRILLING rides...pathetic! Hope my "satisfactory" grades are enough to persuade my mom to bring us there. Although I LOVE TO TRAVEL but I just don't feel like goin' anywhere this year just wanna stay at home at do my own stuff!

"Look for e pros and cons"~ J.T

Sunday, October 16, 2005

Rainy Weather

Decided to go jogging & do some tennis as well as some table tennis if I have the sapre time. But too bad its raining heavily outside, DARN! Wanted to find some pictures on models modelling sports brands like Nike anyway e models are so cool man, but unfortunately, couldn't find any but found a website which says that BOYS who are ATLETIC are actually more "sexually active"! Oh my gosh, so girls better take note not to date guys that are too sporty! This entry is so DARN SHORT! SORRY! I need to tons of stuff. Goodbye.

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"There has always been something wholesome about Sporty Spice - and with good reason, according to new research. Adolescent girls who take after their back-flipping role model have less sex than their non-athlete peers, say scientists. They also lose their virginity later, and have fewer sex partners.For boys, however, sporting prowess may be associated with 'a sexually aggressive ethic of masculinity' ".~

Saturday, October 15, 2005

No Story

I am a girl who always procrastinates in the past. I've always wanted a handsome prince and a near to perfect life. HA. But there is nothin' as perfect. The near to fairytale lives like having cute boys and being rich, popular and pretty ALWAYS HAPPENS ON MY BEST FRIENDS!!! I was always dissapointed 'cause of that. It happened like tons of times. But now I've overcame such ludicrous stuff. I am officially free of such fantasy prison. I no longer bother about the cute guys or whatever. Indeed I've grwon and matured. I've sort out my thoughts so precisely during my stay in CTSS whcih played a major role in my character makeover. I should instead focus more on realistic things and be more down-to-earth. Thanks to e inspiring books like "I am a genuis so are you" by Adam Khoo and "How To Make Friends And Influence People For Teen Girls" by Donna Dale Carniege. These 2 wonderful authors have successfully gave me a strong urge to show the strong side of me and be a young woman of substance. Thank you very much. Why am I jhaving so much "Thank-You" notes in my entries as I am not gonna blog sonner or later unless I somethin' to share with my fellow readers out there about my experiences which taught me real-life lessons shall I put up an entry. I am sick and tired of despising myself and underestimating my capability of doin' and succeeding in things which caused me overwhelming pain in my heart that seem like a welded knife piercing into my small heart. I am gonna change for e better. If mom sees this she is definitely gonna comment that "ACTIONS ARE LOUDER THAN WORDS". But I am willing to do it.

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"Don't think of superficial stuff like the way you look and the way you dress or even what others think you you. Focus on building self-motivation and character instead"~ Donna Dale Carniege

Its A Girl's Thing*

I am a totally feminine girl oh my that is SOOO TOTALLY NOT ME. I MORE into guy's stuff like guns, martial atrs and oh I think skirts are sooo toatlly UNCONVENIENT. More of caps rather than hats. More of jeans and pants rather than skirts! More of sports rather than shopping.More of rocking guitar girl rather than gentle guzheng girl. Alto rather than soprano. Sports shoe rather than open-toed shoes or flip flops. It really puzzles me why people always associates me with girly stuff oh my! More than 5 boys did that. GOSH!

Anyway after bowling I realise I kinda like it. Just bought my sport shoe. Its reebok from royal sporting house. Fortunatley I didn't bought the orange watch(I am wearing a purple watch if ya notice)which I thought of it as funky. Or else I did be all orange from head to toe if I wears e sport shoe. ( Sorry I can't upload a pic. of a real revolver which I like very much 'cause I don't wanna get into trouble with the authorities, its better safe than never. Sorry, though I had strong urge to! )

"It takes time to see through you."~ J.T

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Friday, October 14, 2005

Wildness & The Know-It-Alls

This Girl Can Go Wild

Yesterday on e way back on e train from Pasir Ris, SP, Kei Kei and me talked. Kei Kei suddenly told me that she assume that I am a girl who is a little crazy but not up to that extreme but more of e wild girl type. Finally someone has e guts and told me that. I am waitin' for that from someone is CTSS. Finally. She told me that I can be the dirt-bike lass more of Avril Lavigne. Dirt-bike kind? Yeah maybe I can accept that. But Avril? NO WAY! I am different from her ya know. She is a ROCKER, HARD ROCKER CHIC! I ma more of a "salad kind" as in there is different versions of me ya know. The name of this blog is "This Girl Can Go Wild". But as a girl who do not betray her moral values and core values even if I decided to have fun and go wild for 1 day I have my limits. I don't do drugs I don't go around dressing skimpily or shouts vulgarities and hurls curses. One of e reason is 'cause I like challenges e other could be because I am under e influence of e Americans as I have grow up in an English-educated environment. But I am NOT IMITATING or could be my love for gyrating to music.

The Know-It-Alls

There are quite a lot of my people who thinks they know me. But NO little people do. The ones who know me pretty well are Bel Bel, SP & Kei Kei. You guys thanks a lot for being with me when I am down. Thank You very much. People said to me, "YOu're not yourself!" I was like hello HOW LONG have you know me? Pahtetic few months, have you ever seen me BEING MYSELF? NO! But nevermind there will be a chance to let you get to know me well and allow me enter YOUR WORLD someday...

"You will be surprised how easy it is to open up is so healing! Speak let it out...Breathe. Let it out give it to me. The more you say the more I am at ease!"~ Lindsay Lohan's Speak

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Non-stop Actions


Oh the theme park was closed today. We went Pasir Ris Park and do some sports. Bel bel, Shi Shi, Carmen went on bicycles and SP and Chubbie wen on e 2 seater type. Guess what? They look like aunty and uncle lughing all e way. Oh my goshhhh it was DARN hilarious. Hahaha. Renz taught Keiko and me how to roller-skate. It was FUN, not fun actually but more of...PURE FUN!!! Woohoo I love it yeah yeah. With some coaching from e coah I sort of got e hang of it. Later we went bowling and oh my it was really nice. It is the first time in my life I tried my hands on bowling. It was "pretty good" too! The more I tried to learn the more it couldn't roll straight oonto the lane! Arrgggghhh! HAHAHA IT WAS REALLY FUN!!! I HAD A SMASHING GOODDDDDD TIME YEAH BABY! SHAKE YOUR BOOTIES!

"Focus, concentrate and relax..."~ J.T

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


In this episode, I will be talkin' a little about my past and continue with my journal at e same time.


I was once an arrogant snob is Primary SCH. I always hold a leadership or more than one every year. I was also a prefect. My grades have always been pretty good, I was sporty(I love running), I am a teacher's pet and I'm quite popular among my friends as well. Whenever there is a guy who have a crush on me, guess what? Deep in heart, I am thinking," Boy stop dreaming, I am too good for you!" Wow sounds mean right? I have always think that I am e best. Hahaha. But after entering CTSS, I have learnt just SOOO many things! My mom told me," You've finally grown up!" There are just quite a number things I've achieved! Woohoo! I have grown more gutsy yeah baby! I 've realised how weak my chracter was in e past 'cause I was a total perfectionist. Now I am still one though I've to admit but not to e extreme like Shi Shi. This is just a little piece of me.

Exams are over! 3 cheers! I've not bothered by my looks for weeks yeah congrats! Kei Kei and SP had a really ludicrous and absurd idea: GIVING ME A MAKEVOER! Darn! I can't believe it! They picked out all my "FLAWS" and I was like "WOWO guys I didn't know I was LIKE THAT?( MAKE A FACE )!" We went to Lot 1's clothing shop and took a look. Both frantic hyristical aunties went straight to the clothes and started pickin'(they're not purchasing that day!) the clothes and mumbling which piece look better on me. Arrrggghhh! SP commented that I portray the "innocent and cutsey girl look" which is totally...Y-U-C-K-S I H-A-T-E cutesy girl image that's the worse of e worse!!!!!!!! I prefer the sporty look. I am gonna purchase my sports shoe soon, it would be either Nike or Addidas or perhaps Reebok. I desperately need a pair for my training*. I lectured them on how important it is to save money for rainy days, charities and causes or for themselves they went Whateverrrrrrrr. Urrrrrrgggggggg feel like explodin' and they just kept continuing picking out those clothes wich I don't like AT ALL. Wanna play tennis with Bel Bel one of these days but don't wanna go to her condo I am too lazy to go there it is situated at Bukit Panjang.

"Don't wanna guess, not a test, tell me what you're thinkin',Keep it real, no big deal, tell me what you're dreamin'"~ Lindsay Lohan's Speak

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